Inclusivity Cards
Prompt cards to foster inclusive design and assessment
Randomly generate cards or View all by category
Flip and shuffle cards to explore inclusivity in your design
Are you designing for a broad range of users?
There are at least 64 genders and 46 types of sexuality, over 3800 different cultures and more than 6900 languages, and at least 7 types of disabilities!
The users of your product could be any combination of the human variations. Consider how your product might include those people are often marginalised by mass design—if its features require sight or hearing to operate them, how can you adapt the design to be operated by blind or deaf people? If it’s a wearable, how can it be worn by all body types?
Including in design thinking a broader range of users beyond what is consciously or unconsciously considered normal for humans and/or ‘locals’ opens our minds to how we can all be affected by exclusivity—exclusion can be temporary and/or situational—and how we can all benefit from inclusivity at some time in our lives.
“We are all only temporarily abled.”-Inside Design/Invision Blog
The Inclusivity Cards were designed by drawing on various inclusivity organisation and information sources and combining with Microsoft’s well-rounded guidance on incorporating inclsuivity into design thinking. These cards don’t represent all aspects of inclusivity, and you don’t have to solve all the challenges at once—focus on one area at a time. Identify or choose an inclusivity category that might form part of your users or is personal to you, flip a card from that category, and ideate a feature(s) that enables inclusivity of this human variation.
Shuffle and flip to use as a random challenge to the design thinking, or go through each as you map out your service design blueprint.